BIGHIT Apologies to American Jewish Organization- Center Accepts Apology



Photo from Youtube Screenshot, Twitter

Photo from Youtube Screenshot, Twitter

The American Jewish human rights organization, the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), has accepted the apology offered by BigHit Entertainment.

Hopefully all the issues will die down now!

On the 13th of November, SWC posted on their official website an acceptance to the apology they received directly from BigHit Entertainment, under the title "Wiesenthal Center Welcomes K-Pop Group’s Apology For Incidents Offensive To Jewish And Japanese Victims Of WWII."

BigHit Entertainment also released a lengthy statement explaining the situation and offering their apologies to the general public on their Facebook page. The full post in English can be seen by clicking the link on the Twitter post below.

The post addresses the three main issues that have been causing a ruckus lately, including Jimin's atomic bomb t-shirt, RM's hat that depicted Nazi symbols used in past photo shoot, and flags that resembled Nazi symbols used in a past performance.

In essence, the post explains that none of the actions were intended to offend, hurt, or distress anyone, that they apologize for the lack of digression and foresight in their efforts, and that the artists themselves should not take the blame, but BigHit Entertainment themselves.

The article states, "'To heal and inspire all the people of the world through our music and artists' is the core reason for the existence of Big Hit Entertainment."

And in the letter of apology to SWC, BigHit wrote, "[...] loving yourself and love for others are of primary importance in the world now, and that [has] been a global message for the artist. Both Big Hit and the artists hope to continue spreading that message and share the love for all humankind."

By Bongbong and Malina Fairchild