J-HOPE Resembles a Squirrel, Which Means His Character and Life Would Be…



Photo from Voomvoom

Photo from Voomvoom

A few days ago, BTS scored No.1 on 'Billboard 200'. It was their second time topping this chart. On Billboard's 'Hot 100' chart, they ranked No.11. It's a 'dream scene' for even singers based in Europe and America. For Asian artists, it almost seemed impossible.    

"Their optimism breathes new life into the team"

But how was it possible for BTS? Of course, there must have been thousands of factors in their success, but from a fresh point of view, how about analyzing their fortune through 'physiognomy'? (Physiognomy is a practice of assessing a person's character or personality from their outer appearance, especially the face)  

A physiognomist explains that, just like our faces, there are certain lineaments to people's voices too! They can be referred to as 'physiognomy of voices', and of course, for singers, their voices' physiognomy can hugely affect their success. VoomVoom introduces to you, analysis on each BTS member's face and voice physiognomy, suggested by an expert in this field!  

J-Hope has a physiognomy of a talented squirrel. Those who have a face of squirrel are always pure, untainted, and cheerful like a young boy.

They always are busy wandering from places to places, full of energy, curious, and are not afraid to talk to the strangers. Their optimism breathes new life into the team. They are highly enthusiastic in diverse fields including love and are talented in many aspects.

J-Hope's physiognomy of voice is pure, clear, and cheerful like his outer appearance. And his gentle, and considerate voice interprets his attentive characteristics.

By Baek Jae Kwon (Physiognomist) and Jaeyeon Ryu voomvoomk@gmail.com