BJ Suffering from Depression Commits Suicide on Broadcast Live



A female BJ, in her thirties and located in Busan, committed suicide on live broadcast.

She had forewarned her death, but online trolls had jeered at her remarks.

On March 5 14:10, a 35-year-old female BJ on live broadcast from her studio located in Busan jumped out of her eighth-story window whilst conversing with viewers. The emergency crew, who located the BJ after someone had reported the accident, took her to the hospital, but she died in an hour.

According to the police, having a record of five years as a BJ, the female is said to have suffered from severe depression after getting divorced.

On the day of the event, the BJ said on live broadcast "I'm caught up in a nettlesome suit, I don't want to live anymore. I'm going to take a death leap," forewarning her suicide, while some viewers have tauntingly sneered at the remark.

On the day, the BJ, with her pet dog in her arms, took a leap from her window, and the whole incident was broadcast to viewers live.

A number of viewers and fellow BJs have raised funds and set up a funeral at Busan to mourn for the BJ. A fellow BJ told Busan Ilbo "Online trolls are also a problem. Everyone is shocked by the sudden death."

The police have demanded a recorded clip of the event from the platform company to investigate the exact cause of suicide.

By Goldbin and Suwon Han